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How to print resource definitions for rules, filters, and cases as reports.
You can print a resource definition from the Navigator tree or from within the resource editor.
To print a resource definition:
In the Navigator, choose the type of resource you want to print.
Right-click an instance of that resource (a rule, filter, or case), and choose Print <ResourceName> Definition (for example, Print Rule Definition).
Double-click a resource to open its editor in the Inspect/Edit panel, then right-click the topmost tab in the editor and choose Print <ResourceName> Definition.
The system displays a print preview such as the preview of a Rules definition.
Tip: From the Print Preview of a resource definition, you can export the displayed information into an HTML file or send the preview directly to a printer.
Click Print to bring up a standard Print dialog, and set these properties (which printer, page layout, and so on).
Click OK to print.
To save the print preview as HTML:
On the Print Preview dialog, click the Expot to tool button.
In the file browser, navigate to the location where you want to save the HTML file.
Enter a name for the file in the File Name field. The File Type is Web Page (*.html) by default.
Click Save.
To print a resource definition:
In the Navigator, choose the type of resource you want to print.
Right-click an instance of that resource (a rule, filter, or case), and choose Print <ResourceName> Definition (for example, Print Rule Definition).
Double-click a resource to open its editor in the Inspect/Edit panel, then right-click the topmost tab in the editor and choose Print <ResourceName> Definition.
The system displays a print preview such as the preview of a Rules definition.
Tip: From the Print Preview of a resource definition, you can export the displayed information into an HTML file or send the preview directly to a printer.
Click Print to bring up a standard Print dialog, and set these properties (which printer, page layout, and so on).
Click OK to print.
To save the print preview as HTML:
On the Print Preview dialog, click the Expot to tool button.
In the file browser, navigate to the location where you want to save the HTML file.
Enter a name for the file in the File Name field. The File Type is Web Page (*.html) by default.
Click Save.