how to launch sm-rte debug pod in SMA-SM

  • KM03047891
  • 18-Dec-2017
  • 19-Dec-2017


way to launch individual sm-rte pod, connect to it externally, add debug paramters into the pod


This document explains three steps to debug sm-rte pod in SMA-SM.
A. launch individual sm-rte debug pod that is not a part of original SM-RTE cluster
B. login to sm-rte pod directly through external network
C. add debug parameters into sm-rte pod manually


# All steps are verified in SMA-SM 2017-Nov GA

# Contents
A. launch individual sm-rte debug pod that is not a part of original SM-RTE cluster
B. login to sm-rte pod directly through external network
 B1. select one of sm-rte pods
 B2. enable port-forward for selected pod on master node ( master -> sm-rte pod )
 B3. make SSL tunnel between your laptop and Master
 B4. connect sm-rte pod directly through external network(your laptop)
C. add debug parameters into sm-rte pod manually

A. launch individual sm-rte debug pod that is not a part of original SM-RTE cluster
 - we will launch temporary sm-rte debug pod for troubleshooting purpose.
 1) make a copy of original sm-rte's yaml file
   $ cd /var/vols/itom/core/suite-install/itsma/output/itom-sm-9.52.2021.12/yamls
   $ cp sm-rte.yaml  sm-rte2.yaml 
   $ vi sm-rte2.yaml
     a) remove Service section, line 1 to 18
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: sm-rte-svc
    app: sm-rte-svc
    itsmaService: itom-sm
  namespace: itsma3
 # type: NodePort
 # sessionAffinity: ClientIP
  - port: 13080
  #  nodePort: 30180
    app: sm-rte

     b) change label for separating it from existing SM-RTE cluster
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: sm-rte2
    app: sm-rte2
    itsmaService: itom-sm2
  namespace: itsma3
  replicas: 1
        app: sm-rte2
        itsmaService: itom-sm2

   2) check current sm-rte pods before launching new debug pod
   $ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --selector="app in (sm-rte,sm-rte2)" --show-labels
   3) launch new sm-rte that is for troubleshooting
   $ kubectl create -f sm-rte2.yaml

   $ kubectl create -f sm-rte2.yaml  
     --> for delete pod  $ kubectl delete -f sm-rte2.yaml

   4) verify all sm-rte pods and its label
    $ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --selector="app in (sm-rte,sm-rte2)" --show-labels
[root@btp01sm64 rte]# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --selector="app in (sm-rte,sm-rte2)" --show-labels
NAMESPACE   NAME                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       LABELS
itsma3      sm-rte-1549193434-c56sb    2/2       Running   0          7d        app=sm-rte,itsmaService=itom-sm,pod-template-hash=1549193434
itsma3      sm-rte-1549193434-smhxb    2/2       Running   0          3d        app=sm-rte,itsmaService=itom-sm,pod-template-hash=1549193434
itsma3      sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz   2/2       Running   0          13m       app=sm-rte2,itsmaService=itom-sm2,pod-template-hash=2042745150
 --> sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz is newly deployed
B. login to sm-rte pod directly through external network
 B1. select one of sm-rte pods 
 - lists all of sm-rte pods
 $ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --selector="app=sm-rte"
 $ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --selector="app in (sm-rte,sm-rte2)" --show-labels
[root@btp01sm64 rte]# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --selector="app=sm-rte"
NAMESPACE   NAME                      READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
itsma3      sm-rte-1549193434-c56sb   2/2       Running   0          9d
itsma3      sm-rte-1549193434-smhxb   2/2       Running   0          5d
[root@btp01sm64 rte]# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --selector="app in (sm-rte,sm-rte2)" --show-labels
NAMESPACE   NAME                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       LABELS
itsma3      sm-rte-1549193434-c56sb    2/2       Running   0          9d        app=sm-rte,itsmaService=itom-sm,pod-template-hash=1549193434
itsma3      sm-rte-1549193434-smhxb    2/2       Running   0          5d        app=sm-rte,itsmaService=itom-sm,pod-template-hash=1549193434
itsma3      sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz   2/2       Running   0          2d        app=sm-rte2,itsmaService=itom-sm2,pod-template-hash=2042745150

 - select one of sm-rte pods
  > we pick up "sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz"

 B2. enable port-forward for selected pod on master node ( master -> sm-rte pod )
 - on master node, find available port to use
  $ netstat -na | grep 13080
[root@btp01sm64 rte]# netstat -na | grep 13081
[root@btp01sm64 rte]#
  // no result because 13081 is available to use
  // we can use any available port

 - enable port-forward on master node
 $ kubectl port-forward {pod_name} {portA}:13080 -n {namespace}
[root@btp01sm64 bin]# kubectl port-forward sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz 13081:13080 -n itsma3
Forwarding from -> 13080
Forwarding from [::1]:13081 -> 13080
// sm-rte pod use 13080 by default in kubernetes
// we will connect it through master:13081
  master:13081 --> sm-rte-pod:13080  

 - verification on master node
[root@btp01sm64 rte]# netstat -na | grep 13081
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
tcp6       0      0 ::1:13081               :::*                    LISTEN

 B3. make SSL tunnel between your laptop and Master
 - install putty into your laptop
 - launch putty & configure SSH-tunnel & login to Master
   1) launch putty on your laptop
   2) Category > Connection > SSH > Auth > Tunnels
      -> add new forwarded port:
         source port : 13082               // you can use any port available on your laptop
         destination :     // 13081 is master's port that is forwarding to sm-rte's pod
         (*) Local
         (*) Auto
        --> click 'Add' button
   3) Category > Sessions
      -> SSH login to Master node
      -> now SSL Tunnel is made between your laptop and Master
   4) verify Putty's event log
     -> click right mouse button on the putty's head window
     -> select 'Event Log'
     -> you should find this log,
2017-12-17 16:33:58 Local port 13082 forwarding to

   # if session forwarding is not shown in putty's session log,
     clean putty's configuration and then, try again from step-1)
     cmd> putty -cleanup
     ( it will remove windows registery data of putty )

 B4. connect sm-rte pod directly through external network(your laptop)
 - launch sm-win client on your laptop
   > change profile,
     Advanced tab   :
      *check : Connect to External Load Balance
     Connection tab :
       username : falcon
       password : 123456       // it is default password
       server host name :
       server port number : 13082
   --> try login
     # if master node show this error, then install socat on all master and workers
E1214 23:57:13.863287   26245 portforward.go:332] an error occurred forwarding 13081 -> 13080:
error forwarding port 13081 to pod sm-rte-1549193434-c56sb_itsma3, uid : unable to do port forwarding: socat not found.    
     $ yum install socat
 - monitor sm's log on master
    sm_sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz.log   <---------------- we use this pod
  $ tail -f sm_sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz.log
 - Summary
   your laptop(
       <---  SSL Tunneling by Putty --->
                  master-node( <--- kubernets port-forward --->

C. add debug parameters into sm-rte pod manually
 - It is for temporary investigation especially for support engineers.
   updated sm.ini is disappeared if redeploying sm-rte because we just updated on pod, not image.
 1) sm-rte pod's shell and make a backup for sm.ini
  - lists all of sm-rte pods
   $ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --selector="app=sm-rte"
   $ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --selector="app in (sm-rte,sm-rte2)" --show-labels
  [root@btp01sm64 rte]# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --selector="app=sm-rte"
  NAMESPACE   NAME                      READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
  itsma3      sm-rte-1549193434-c56sb   2/2       Running   0          9d
  itsma3      sm-rte-1549193434-smhxb   2/2       Running   0          5d
  [root@btp01sm64 rte]# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --selector="app in (sm-rte,sm-rte2)" --show-labels
  NAMESPACE   NAME                       READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       LABELS
  itsma3      sm-rte-1549193434-c56sb    2/2       Running   0          9d        app=sm-rte,itsmaService=itom-sm,pod-template-hash=1549193434
  itsma3      sm-rte-1549193434-smhxb    2/2       Running   0          5d        app=sm-rte,itsmaService=itom-sm,pod-template-hash=1549193434
  itsma3      sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz   2/2       Running   0          2d        app=sm-rte2,itsmaService=itom-sm2,pod-template-hash=2042745150
   - select one of sm-rte pods
    > we pick up "sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz"
  // we use pod-name, sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz
  $ kubectl exec -ti -n itsma3 sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz -c sm-rte /bin/bash
    pod> cd /opt/SM_SERVER/RUN
    pod> cat sm.ini
    pod> cp sm.ini
    pod> cp sm.cfg

[root@btp01sm64 rte]# kubectl exec -ti -n itsma3 sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz -c sm-rte /bin/bash
sm@sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz:/> ls
bin   dev  home  lib64  opt   root  sbin     srv  tmp  var
boot  etc  lib   mnt    proc  run   selinux  sys  usr
sm@sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz:/> cd /opt/SM_SERVER/RUN
sm@sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz:/opt/SM_SERVER/RUN> cp sm.ini

 2) copy pod's sm.ini, sm.cfg into local shell and then, modify it
  - in pakcaged sm-rte image, vi command is not included, so we extract file externally and modify it.
  $ kubectl cp itsma3/sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz:opt/SM_SERVER/RUN/sm.ini -c sm-rte ./sm.ini
  $ kubectl cp itsma3/sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz:opt/SM_SERVER/RUN/sm.cfg -c sm-rte ./sm.cfg
  $ vi sm.ini
~~~ add two parameters ~~~
  $ vi sm.cfg
~~~ disable system.start ~~~
#sm system.start
 3) copy modified sm.ini, smcfg into pod
  $ kubectl cp ./sm.ini itsma3/sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz:opt/SM_SERVER/RUN/sm.ini -c sm-rte
  $ kubectl cp ./sm.cfg itsma3/sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz:opt/SM_SERVER/RUN/sm.cfg -c sm-rte
 4) restart SM on the specific pod
  $ kubectl exec -ti -n itsma3 sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz -c sm-rte /bin/bash
   pod> cd /opt/SM_SERVER/RUN
   pod> ./smstatus
   pod> ./smstop
   pod> ./smstart
 5) verify logs with direct connections
  - for direct connection, please follow step of "B. login to sm-rte pod directly through external network"
  - verify logs
   $ cd /var/vols/itom/itsma/itsma-itsma1-global/logs/sm-9.52/rte
   $ tail -f sm_sm-rte2-2042745150-3hfzz.log

 6) after troubleshooting, remove sm-rte debug pod that we built individually
   $ cd /var/vols/itom/core/suite-install/itsma/output/itom-sm-9.52.2021.12/yamls
   $ kubectl delete -f sm-rte2.yaml