SiteScope - Is a regular expression supported in threshold setting->value in the monitor's properties

  • KM03045804
  • 14-Dec-2017
  • 20-Dec-2017


SiteScope - Is a regular expression supported in threshold setting->value in the monitor's properties



We want to use a regular expression to match intraday date in the log.

For example,


We know regular expression is supported in content match.

We want to use regular expression in threshold settings -> value to let it become a error condition.

Is regular expression supported in threshold setting -> value in the monitor's properties?


Yes, using a regular expression is supported in threshold setting -> value in the monitor's properties.

Have a look a the following example:

1. Create a log file monitor.

2. Put /($year$$0month$$0day$)/ in content match of its properties.

3. Put '/$year$$0month$$0day$/’ in threshold->error if->value.

4. Put intraday date in the monitored log.

5. Run the monitor and check its status.

6. Monitor has become error status and match value is today's date in YYYYMMDD format. Just as the regular expression.