Windows patch / uCMDB not starting

  • KM03027650
  • 29-Nov-2017
  • 04-Dec-2017


After performing Windows Server patch, uCMDB no longer starts and show error messages related to "Data-Acquisition".


After performing Windows Server patch, uCMDB no longer starts and show error messages related to "Data-Acquisition".

Logs show the following message: "Query result exceeded size limit. Please refine your query. Cause: Can't handle "get layout" query"


Error found was data-adquisition service not starting because there were an issue with a TQL limit: Query result exceeded size limit. Please refine your query. Cause: Can't handle "get layout" query

For this error, increase the value of the fuse "tql.max.result.size.layout.retrieval" to 600000 and increased the heap size mem according the environment we are working on.

Then run the following steps:

1.Go to jmx console

2.Login to JMX

3.Go to UCMDB:service=HistoryDB services

4.Go to alignHistoryForType

  CustomerID: 1

  className: <leave empty>