A new feature has been included in UFT/ALM that allows uploading of UFT test results compressed (.zip format) to ALM
In UFT 14.02, user can upload UFT test results as single zip files by adding or setting the following ALM site parameters to Y:
Consider below scenarios:
- User failed to launch compressed UFT report from ALM on a machine with UFT 14.01 or lower version installed(Excluding UFT 12.54 patch 4).
- User failed to launch compressed UFT report from ALM on a machine without UFT installed.
UFT 12.54:
Install UFT 12.54 patch 4
Document ID KM02968879 - Unified Functional Testing 12.54 Patch 4 for Windows
Other UFT versions:
Upgrade to UFT 14.02
UFT is not installed:
Download UFT 12.54 Add-In Patch 4 for ALM from market place: