ITSMA: Error syncing pod, skipping: [failed to “IntitContainer” for “install” with RunInitContainerError

  • KM03014764
  • 15-Nov-2017
  • 15-Nov-2017


Error syncing pod, skipping: [failed to “IntitContainer” for “install” with RunInitContainerError: “init container\”install\”excited with1”, failed to “StartContainer” for “install” with CrashLoopBackOff: “Back-off 5m=s restarting failed container=install pod=suite-conf-itsma_core(…id…)”]


The CDF was installed successful but the suite installation is failing
Checking the events of the core namespace, we found three repeating events:
Created container with docker ID…
Started container with docker ID…
Error syncing pod, skipping: [failed to “IntitContainer” for “install” with RunInitContainerError: “init container\”install\”excited with1”, failed to “StartContainer” for “install” with CrashLoopBackOff: “Back-off 5m=s restarting failed container=install pod=suite-conf-itsma_core(…id…)”]
kubectl describe pod suite-conf-pod-itsma -n core is also showing the same error


The time synchronization hasn’t been configured on all cluster hosts.


This is the direct URL:  check the solution from “A 503 nginx error when you run the Suite Installer”

Option 1 is basically to Configure time synchronization on all of the hosts (4 servers) in the cluster with a tool. For example, Chrony or NTP.
Chrony is installed by default on some versions of Red Hat/CentOS. However, if Chrony is not installed or not running on your system, do the following:
Install Chrony with the following command:
# yum install chrony
Start Chronyd:
# systemctl start chronyd
# systemctl enable chronyd
Verify that Chrony is operating correctly:
# chronyc tracking

Option 2 is to Make suit-config-pod-itsma run on the master node by adding the nodeSelector attribute to the suit-config.yaml file. See URL above