File Level Restore is not possible from a folder that contains a lot of files

  • KM02992643
  • 18-Oct-2017
  • 18-Oct-2017

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


File Level Restore is not possible from a folder that contains a lot of files ( 500,000 files ) . When trying to open the folder to select the file to restore - the whole process hang .


Restore process hang when trying to open a folder that contains a lot of files .


The issue seemed to be with traversing or browsing the folder before it allows you to select the file to restore .


We recommend and have tested browsing folders with max. 5,000 files.

In case single files need to be restored in folders with more than 5,000 files, use a complete VM restore and manual file movement as a workaround.