After user submit the survey and logout from ess, then click the login again button from the same ess link, the submitted survey record will be displayed.
1. Login as admin to the Windows Client
2. Type "comp" in the command line
3. Go to Active Integrations tab
4. Select ESS as SM Portal
5. Fill the ESS URL field with your Service Manager webtier ess URL
6. Save the changes
7. Logout and log back in
8. Go to Service Desk >Search Interactions
9. Search by Closed status
10. Pick one from the QBE list
11. Click more options button in the record
12. Select Send Survey
13. Select Falcon as contact record you want to send the survey
14. Click send
15. Type "eventout" in the command line
16. Search the last entry
17. Click the survey URL and login as falcon
18. Fill the survey and click submit
19. Logout from ESS
20. Click the login again button
21. Notice that the survey you just submitted is still appearing.
This issue only happens to 9.51. No such issue found in 9.50 and former versions.
QCCR1E141243 is opened to locate this issue.