Error message : failed to connect to server appears when user clicks on logout.

  • KM02948840
  • 13-Sep-2017
  • 04-Oct-2017


This error message appears when login out and user is redirect to the login page


Error message : failed to connect to server appears when user clicks on logout.

User is redirects to the login page but receives the error message :  failed to connect to server.

If user refreshes the page, the correct login page then appears..

The issue can only be reproduced with IE, cannot be reproduced with other browsers.


Tomcat 8 implements a new cookie processor, which does not tolerate the dot in front of the domain.


Tomcat 8 implements a new cookie processor, which does not tolerate the dot in front of the domain. Customer changed the cookie processor by specifying <CookieProcessor className="org.apache.tomcat.util.http.LegacyCookieProcessor" /> in context.xml. now login and logout are working as expected