ALM server is occupied by large of space with many files named java_pidXXXX.hprof

  • KM02934670
  • 31-Aug-2017
  • 31-Aug-2017

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


ALM server is occupied by large of space with many files named java_pidXXXX.hprof


The HPROF are files created as logs for the java virtual machine, they are created automatically by the server in the java virtual machine of ALM.
There was a reason for the server to be slow when these files are being created, because they are huge.
These files can simply be removed to reduce the disk occupation.
However, there's an option to disable the heap dump file generation, but it is not suggested to do that.
For information how to disable the hprof files please type the sign # before in the wrapper.conf file.
The wrapper.conf file is located at ~\HP\ALM\wrapper

On the link below could be found more information about these files: