Does SM support IPv6 PD (Prefix Delegation)?

  • KM02899181
  • 04-Aug-2017
  • 04-Aug-2017


We know there is an ER QCCR1E70070, and IPv6 was supported from 9.32.But there is no information about IPv6 PD (prefix delegation).


We know there is an ER QCCR1E70070, and IPv6 was supported from 9.32.
But there is no information about IPv6 PD (prefix delegation).
So we want to make sure, that does IPv6 PD supported to SM 9.33.


Verified with R&D that we consider Prefix Delegation a Transparent technology (see support matrix documentation for the definition) that is outside the detection of our application.  
We do not have official support for this as it does not have a direct impact on Service Manager and should be invisible to our application.