Service Request ID is changing format beginning Saturday July 29, 2017

  • KM02859541
  • 12-Jul-2017
  • 24-Jul-2017

Archived Content: This information is no longer maintained and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


The Service Request ID with the format of 53xxxxxxxx will change to a new format beginning July 29, 2017. The new format will be SDxxxxxxxx.


Due to required systems changes as we prepare for the spin-merge with Micro Focus the service request ID will change.   The current ID is a ten character numeric number beginning with 53. The new ID will be a ten character alphanumeric number beginning with SD followed by eight digits.
·         Current ID:          53xxxxxxxx
·         New ID:               SDxxxxxxxx
What you need to know:
·         Beginning July 29, new service requests will reflect the new SDxxxxxxxx format. 
·         Current IDs will continue to be recognized and will not be converted to the new format.
·         Both current and new IDs will be visible on Software Support Online.
·         Current support processes will not change.
·         There are no actions you need to take due to this change in format.
For current information about the HPE Software / Micro Focus spin-merger please follow this link.  For the original press release announcing the spin-merger follow this link.
Software Support