Our environment has been set upTomasKMCustom with UseConsistentHashing to be able to perform DREREDISTRIBUTE and we would like to add 10 CEs more and we don't want to be offline since this is on our production server.
Could you please confirm if the data is searchable during DREREDITRIBUTE?
When the DIH receives a DREREDISTRIBUTE index action, it checks whether redistribution is required. If it is, the DIH remaps the virtual nodes, and automatically sends DREEXPORTREMOTE commands to its child servers to redistribute the associated content. Content will process the export command and send a DREADDDATA back to the parent DIH with the redistributed documents. The Content instance will wait for this command to complete before deleting its local copy of the documents.
Thus, all content should remain searchable during redistribution; however, in order to achieve this, nothing is deleted until it is seen to be searchable elsewhere, so there will likely be a window during which multiple copies of redistributed content may be visible. It's recommended to use query-time combine if this is a problem