NNM 10.20 – OMI 10.60 topology integration fails.

  • KM02858017
  • 10-Jul-2017
  • 10-Jul-2017

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


NNM 10.20 – OMI 10.60 topology integration fails when using GW server but succeeds when using DPS server.


NNM 10.20 – OMI 10.60 topology integration fails when using GW server but succeeds when using DPS server.


OMI 10.60 is using UCMDB 10.30 version, UCMDB 10.30 by default use https protocol but NNM is using the http protocol.

We need to enable manually http protocol using JMX console in OMI .


In order to get this issue solved you will need to follow the next steps:
- Open JMX console of UCMDB .

- Find "Ports Management Services"

- Call method "HTTPSetEnable" to enable HTTP port first

- Call method "mapComponentToConnectors" to enable HTTP protocol for component "mam-collectors"

- Restart the server