SM: How to use parameter "dbstats", also want to make sure does "reportdbstats" still available?

  • KM02850983
  • 29-Jun-2017
  • 29-Jun-2017


SM: How to use parameter "dbstats", also want to make sure does "reportdbstats" still available?


1)At SM9.41, if we input "sm -reportdbstats" in command line, the result will be:
   Option "reportdbstats" not recognized.
  We cannot find this parameter in online help either.
Want to know does parameter "reportdbstats" still available in 9.41?

2)At SM9.41, if we add "dbstats" to sm.ini accordint to online help, then restart the service.
   No db usage statistcs will be outputted to sm.log.
   If we run command  "sm -dbstats" in command line, there will be no result returned.
   There is no more detailed inforamtion about "dbstats" at online help.

Want to know how to use parameter "dbstats" and how to output the db usage statistcs?


1)"reportdbstats" is obsolete. No such report exists.

2)"dbstats" still works.
  We can add dbstats:1 to sm.ini file, login and logout and look in the log file and you should see the report:

 41636( 53504) 06/02/2017 15:05:51  RTE I ---------------------- Database Statistics      ----------------------
 41636( 53504) 06/02/2017 15:05:51  RTE I 
 41636( 53504) 06/02/2017 15:05:51  RTE I Filename                  Selects  Inserts  Updates  Deletes  Counts   Sorts    Finds    Fetchs   Inits    Cache Inits  Terms    Cache Terms  Cache Finds
 41636( 53504) 06/02/2017 15:05:51  RTE I format                    0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        2        0            0        1            16