How to enable DEBUG logging of the OMi JBoss startup log

  • KM02793839
  • 16-May-2017
  • 07-Jun-2017


After BMS 9.2x, there is not a default option in a log4j tool property enabling the JBoss boot log into DEBUG mode.


There is no default option in a log4j tool property enabling the JBoss boot log into DEBUG mode. 
Enable of DEBUG for JBoss boot log will provide more troubleshooting infromation of JBoss Application boot process.

 OMi 10.00 - OMi 10.12


To enable debug you must first stop/disable the OMi Gateway.
There are two ways to stop the OMi, stop all OMi processes by click on menu icon in Windows Start menu "Disable HP Operations Manager i"
or stop the JBoss process only using "opr-support" tool console command from folder path:

drive:\HPBSM\opr\support>opr-support-utils.bat -stop mercuryAS

In OMi Gateway, locate the following configuration folder:
Example: "drive:\HPBSM\application-server\standalone\configuration\"

Find and create a backup for the “standalone.xml”. Open the file with a text editor and edit following lines inside, change them:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.4">
            <console-handler name="CONSOLE">
                <level name="INFO"/>

 <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:1.4">
            <console-handler name="CONSOLE">
                <level name="DEBUG"/>

<periodic-rotating-file-handler name="FILE" autoflush="true">

<periodic-rotating-file-handler name="FILE" autoflush="true">
<level name="DEBUG"/>

                <level name="INFO"/>

                <level name="DEBUG"/>

Save file changes. Start OMi with "Enable HP Operations Manager i" from Windows Start menu or if only the Jboss process was stopped, start it with:
drive:\HPBSM\opr\support>opr-support-utils.bat -start mercuryAS

The DEBUG log information will be available in the "server.log" file which can be found in path:

It is recommended that you stop the JBoss process in OMi before executing the changes, and after collecting the necessary data to revert back the normal logging type "INFO" in the “standalone.xml” file, as the log could grow in large size.