GENERAL_MSG_CAT_SSL_ERROR] read to host. Failed: [10054] Connection reset by peer

  • KM02793335
  • 15-May-2017
  • 15-May-2017

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Error -27778: [GENERAL_MSG_CAT_SSL_ERROR]read to host "" failed: [10054] Connection reset by peer


Getting below error while replaying HTTPS scripts:

Error -27778: [GENERAL_MSG_CAT_SSL_ERROR]read to host "<Server_Name>" failed: [10054] Connection reset by peer


If LR encounters issues when downloading such large files you need to adjust TCP_BUFFER_SIZE that allow the use of bigger bandwidth.


Add the following functions to the script:

web_set_sockets_option("OVERLAPPED_SEND", "0");
web_set_sockets_option("TCP_BUFFER_SIZE" , "524288");