OMi Monitoring Automation and SiteScope integration - hotfix needed

  • KM02787305
  • 04-May-2017
  • 04-May-2017

Archived Content: This information is no longer maintained and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Applies to Sitescope and Omi Montoring Automation


Please be aware that if you are using SiteScope 11.2x or 11.3x with OMi and want to use Monitoring Automation to deploy SiteScope templates – a hotfix is required.

More information can be found here :


This applies to all SiteScope 11.2x and SiteScope 11.3x versions – even including the latest version SiteScope 11.33 IP2 which was released very recently.   


Also, OMi 10.12 IP2 is very recommended to get the benefits of the other defects fixed and to make OMi Monitoring Automation and SiteScope work well together.


Finally, make sure the most recent version of the Operations Agent on the SiteScope Server is used. (12.01 or newer)