manager service always shows as "unavailable".

  • KM02782722
  • 26-Apr-2017
  • 26-Apr-2017

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We have perform the upgrade to ESM 6.9.1c from AE 4.0 and, after some issues that were solved by HP support, when we show the status of the services, the manager service always shows as "unavailable":


After the upgrade to ESM 6.9.1c from AE 4.0,

ESM is working fine and persisting events, able to login at console, but the manager service is stack to unavailable. All other services have available status.

Services status indicate that manager service always shows as "unavailable":


The root cause of the issue was from RedHat and not from Arcsight. Apparently RedHat does not like underscore symbol _ for the DNS


In order for manager service to restore you need to change the host name and change the underscore symbol or delete it.

for example


ESM_6.9.1 should become ESM-6.9.1 or ESM6.9.1

vi /etc/sysconfig/network

hostname <New-Hostname-with-no-underscore>


Also the /etc/host file must be updated with the new name.


And finally new certificate with the new hostname must be generated by running the managersetup script

/opt/arcsight/manager/bin/arcsight managersetup


Reminder: New certificate must be installed on connectors.