mysqld service is unavailable

  • KM02779523
  • 20-Apr-2017
  • 20-Apr-2017

Archived Content: This information is no longer maintained and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


The following line from ServiceStatusChecker.log indicates that (most likely) the problem is a bad password. [2017-03-17 14:15:04,866][INFO ][] java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'arcsight'@'localhost' (using password: YES)


My ESM v6.8 installation can not startup properly after reboot. Users can not login anymore and here is the output of "service arcsight_services status all":
Build versions:
process management:6.8-1763
aps service is available
arcsight_web service is available
execprocsvc service is available
logger_httpd service is available
logger_servers service is available
logger_web service is available
manager service is available
mysqld service is unavailable
postgresql service is available
I tried to restart several times already but the mysqld always show unavailable. I tried to use mysql to access the database to confirmed that mysql server is up and running too.
Here is the log from "/opt/arcsight/logger/data/mysql/mysql.log":
[2016-12-02 16:45:49 0x7fd64dc85020-0]arc_logger::open ...
[2016-12-02 16:45:49 0x7fd64dc85020-1]ha_arc_logger::info ...
[2016-12-02 16:45:49 0x7fd64dc85020-1]flag=84, query-skipped: SELECT sum(data_length), sum(index_length) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE engine = 'InnoDB'
[2016-12-02 16:45:49 0x7fd64dc85020-1]ha_arc_logger::reset ...
[2016-12-02 16:45:49 0x7fd64dc85020-1]ha_arc_logger::close ...
[2016-12-02 16:45:53 0x7fd64dc85020-0]arc_logger::open ...
[2016-12-02 16:45:53 0x7fd64dc85020-1]ha_arc_logger::info ...
[2016-12-02 16:45:53 0x7fd64dc85020-1]flag=84, query-skipped: SELECT sum(data_length), sum(index_length) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE engine = 'InnoDB'
[2016-12-02 16:45:53 0x7fd64dc85020-1]ha_arc_logger::reset ...
[2016-12-02 16:45:53 0x7fd64dc85020-1]ha_arc_logger::reset ...


The following line from ServiceStatusChecker.log indicates that (most likely) the problem is a bad password.
[2017-03-17 14:15:04,866][INFO ][] java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'arcsight'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Could you check on the possibility that the ESM properties files have gotten out of sync? Compare the value of
in manager/config/
to the value of
in manager/config/
Also, could you compare the value of
in manager/config/
to the value of
in manager/config/
Please let me know whether they differ.
If they are different, please change the values in to match those in You can just copy the encrypted string. Then run
service arcsight_services status mysqld