When trying to install the OBA 3.0 Collector, the script fails with the error below.
HP OPSA Collector post installation configuration
Vertica database configuration details:
Enter Vertica database hostname []:
Enter Vertica database port number [5433]:
Enter Vertica database name[opsadb]:
Enter Vertica database user name [dbadmin]:
Enter Vertica database password:
Updating OPSA configuration file...
OPSA configuration file updated successfully
Configuration will be done in a minute... updating the configuration also in the server. No further answers are required.
Post install configuration failed with exception: Cannot start path listening for topic KafkaWhiteListTopic
Post install configuration failed with exception
com.hp.opsa.infra.notification.NotificationTransportException: Cannot start path listening for topic KafkaWhiteListTopic
Caused by: org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoAuthException: KeeperErrorCode = NoAuth for /opsa/notify/topics/KafkaWhiteListTopic
Post installation configuration failed: Post install configuration failed
Post installation configuration failed
Caused by: com.hp.opsa.infra.notification.NotificationTransportException: Cannot set event data for path: /notify/topics/KafkaWhiteListTopic
Caused by: org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoAuthException: KeeperErrorCode = NoAuth for /opsa/notify/topics/KafkaWhiteListTopic
It was caused by the OPSA/OBA hostname which was still pointing to an IPv6 address - after changing the IP address so that it points to IPv4, then OPSA post installation should run fine.
Check the hostname configuraiton and the FQDN DNS for errors, then run the collector post-install script again.