How to turn-off Marketplace in ArcMC

  • KM02755046
  • 20-Mar-2017
  • 20-Mar-2017

Archived Content: This information is no longer maintained and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


ArcMC admin guide Workaround for those with restricted network policies and their appliances are not allowed to go outside of their corporate network and access the Marketplace.


Some customers have very restricted network policies where the appliances are not allow to go outside of their corporate network, therefore they need to disable the Marketplace.


Follow the instructions below to turn-off the Marketplace banner:
1-SSH the ArcMC.
2-Open the file:

vi /opt/arcsight/arcmc/config/logger/

3-Once the file is open run the search command below, just copy and paste and hit enter when the file is open:
This will redirect you to the line where this parameter is located.
4-comment the line "", it should look like this:
#Marketplace production server domain
5-Save and quit the file.
6-Go back to the web browser.
7-Go to Administration > System Admin > Process Status.
8-Restart the web processes.

With these changes ArcMC will not not longer try to connector the Marketplace. 
Currently there is a feature request to add an option to disable the Market Place from the web browser, ARCMC-10817.