Thread dumps are produced every minute on UCMDB server

  • KM02754133
  • 17-Mar-2017
  • 17-Mar-2017


Thread dumps are produced every minute on UCMDB server.


On UCMDB server, thread dumps are created every minute. These files can be found under /hp/UCMDB/UCMDBServer/runtime/log


What is the reason that these thread dumps are getting created so frequently?


This is UCMDB functionality. It is working as per the design.


Logon to JMX Console ->Settings Services -> Run the method: showSettingsByCategory

Check the JVM settings



Setting Name            Value Default Value Factory Value Type Is Global Refresh Rate Display in UI Display Name Description


jvm.thread.dump.log.rotate.time 60 60 60 number Yes Immediate true Log rotation time criteria A time period (in seconds). Designates a period after which the log files in thread dump become obsolete and are zipped. 432000 432000 432000 number Yes Immediate true Log rotation zip cleanup time A time period (in seconds) after which the zipped logs will become obsolete and will be removed from the file system.
jvm.thread.dump.timeout 30 30 30 number Yes Immediate true Thread Dump logging trigger time A time period (in seconds) to trigger the thread dump 30 30 30 number Yes Immediate true Thread Dump zip rotation time period A time period (in seconds) to trigger the thread dump zip rotation


Thread dump files are generated depending on the setting jvm.thread.dump.timeout, and log files get zipped based on jvm.thread.dump.log.rotate.time which will be deleted by


If this frequency needs to be changed, use setSettingValue JMX method.