VM resides on VMFS 5 cannot be restored on VMFS 6

  • KM02747449
  • 06-Mar-2017
  • 06-Mar-2017

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


VM resides on datastore from type VMFS 5 cannot be restored on datastore from type VMFS 6


"The Selected target is formatted as VMFS6.
The VM to restore is not compatible with VMFS6 datastores as it contains vmfs-sparse snapshots.
Please select a different Datastore."


VM resides on datastore from type VMFS 5 cannot be restored on datastore from type VMFS 6 .
The reason for failure is that VMFS 5 and VMFS 6 datastores are not compatible.
The standard snapshot method for VMFS 5 is VMFSsparse (for disks up to 2 TB) and for VMFS 6, it is SEsparse.