How to configure Orcale RAC/ASM integration in non ZDB context

  • KM02739554
  • 23-Feb-2017
  • 23-Feb-2017


This document provides the additional steps needed to configure Oracle RAC/ASM integrarin non ZDB context.


Data Protector ZDB intergation guide gives a detailed documentation on how to configure ORACLE RAC/ASM in ZDB context. Orcale RAC/ASM integration in non ZDB context is not documented in a single section. This document summerizes the steps needed to configuring Oracle RAC using ASM with Data Protector in non ZDB contexte:


This document summerizes the steps needed to configuring Oracle RAC using ASM with Data Protector in non ZDB contexte:

1- Configure the integration using normal procedure (using Data Protector GUI or comand line - please consult Data Protector integration guide).
2- Add the following  ASM option/variables to omnirc file:
               the value depends on the RAC node where we set the omnirc file
    ORA_ASM_HOME=<ASM home directory>   
    OB2_ORACLE_ASM_OSUSER=<grid user>
                this is usually grid@oinstall                                                       
3- <grid user> has to be added to the list of regular Data Protector users
4- The  OB2_DPMCTL_SHRLOC environment variable must be set and point to a shared location from where the control file is backed up