uCMDB probe version 10.22 is creating dump file in the JRE bin folder when runing an inventory Job

  • KM02605867
  • 28-Oct-2016
  • 28-Oct-2016


uCMDB probe version 10.22 is creating dump file in the JRE bin folder when runing an inventory Job


After upgraded the probe from 10.20 to 10.22, we noticed that it is getting stuck while runing an inventory Job and many HPROF files are created in the bin folder
No change has been made in any of the following files: WrapperEnv.conf, WrapperGateway.con, WrapperManager.conf or DataFlowProbe.properties
A reinstallation instead of an upgrade of the probe was done but didn't help to fix the problem


The Metaspace value set in WrapperGateway.conf via the parameter: wrapper.java.additional.21 is not enought.

This is the finding in the wrapper.log
jvm 2    | <2016-10-19 03:37:54,704> 4403445 [INFO ] [ProbeGW Task Results Sender] (TaskResultsSenderThread.java:167) - Process Result Time Statistics - Total Time:6349, Results size:1, Time To get Tasks:0, Time to send results: 31, Time until server gets the results:31, Time to get results status:6318, Time to process Id Mapping:0, Time to update warnings:0, Time to activate automatic deletion:0, Time to inform the sent results is:0, Time to finish deleting results:0, Total time to handle Successful results:0
jvm 2    | java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace
wrapper  | Filter trigger matched.  Restarting JVM.
jvm 2    | Dumping heap to java_pid5360.hprof ...

the lines above indicate an Out Of Memory while loading the classes.


To fix the problem:

Login to the probe server and nagivate to DataFlowProbe\bin\

Edit the line below in the WrapperGateway.conf file and restart the probe


and change it to :
