Integration [917] - ArcSight Logger - Operations Manager i Event Integration (ArcSight Logger-OMi)

  • KM02605546
  • 11-Jun-2018
  • 11-Jun-2018


Integration Catalog


ArcSight Logger - Operations Manager i Event Integration (ArcSight Logger-OMi) - Catalog Id: 917


ArcSight Logger is a log management solution that is optimized for high event throughput, efficient long-term storage, and rapid data analysis. Logger receives and stores events; supports search, retrieval, and reporting; and can forward selected events.The ArcSight Logger Forwarding Connector enables you to send these event logs fromLogger to the Operations Manager i (OMi).

In addition, events can be integrated from OMi into ArcSight Logger by using the Smart Connector for Operations Manager i Web Services.



Leading Product:
ArcSight Logger

Secondary Product:
Operations Bridge Manager (OMi)


Support Matrix

Operations Bridge Manager (OMi)
ArcSight Logger
SupportedSupported (see comments)Not Supported

Generated: 6/11/2018 4:52:43 AM