The Operations Analytics product has three separate licenses.
Below is a summary of all these licences
1. The OpsA (opsa server / GUI) license. This is installed using commands like the following:
/opt/HP/opsa/bin/ -add /opt/HP/opsa/{OPSA-LICENSE-}.dat
./ -add /opt/HP/opsa/opsa.dat
OPSA_HOME is set to /opt/HP/opsa
Added following licenses:
"IPP16CZ59642C405679F16B789D .OPAN-15M^2.30 HP Operations Analytics Ultimate Edition 50 Node 15-Month LTU for HP Internal"
INFO [main] OPSALicenseManager:112 - Added licenses:
"IPP16CZ59642C405679F16B789D .OPAN-15M^2.30 HP Operations Analytics Ultimate Edition 50 Node 15-Month LTU for HP Internal"
/opt/HP/opsa/bin/ -list
OPSA_HOME is set to /opt/HP/opsa
Listing valid licenses...
License Feature: 50 node pack
License Type: Permanent
Entitled Capacity: 50.0 Nodes
License Expiry Date: Jun 1, 2017 11:59:59 PM U
2. Next, there is a Vertica database license, and this is installed using the following process, also directly on the OPSA server.
A : su - dbadmin
B : admintools
C : choose 7 "Advanced Menu"
D : choose 5 "Upgrade License key" and OK to validate the OPSA database to use the license for.
E : Enter the full path to the {Vertica-license}.dat file (/opt/HP/opsa/Vertica.dat, for example) and accept the EULA.
F: Enter the password for the OPSA database (dbadmin)
Finally, it should state the license was installed.
3. The ArcSight Logger license. This is installed using the following process :
A : Launch the ArcSight Logger GUI (via the OpsA menu > Logger Instances) and login as admin (pw = password)
B : Select the "System Admin" menu and choose "License & Update"
C : Browse to the {Arcsight_Logger}.zip file (do not unzip it) and click "Upload Update"