failed - end event error due to network timeout. Open requests: http://URL Snapshot Info [MSH 1 0] [MsgId: MERR-205177]

  • KM02585474R
  • 10-Oct-2016
  • 10-Oct-2016

This document is under revision.


Getting the following error when running Truclient script failed - end event error due to network timeout. Open requests: http://URL Snapshot Info [MSH 1 0] [MsgId: MERR-205177]


Getting the following error when running Truclient script
failed - end event error due to network timeout. Open requests: http://URL Snapshot Info [MSH 1 0] [MsgId: MERR-205177]


If this issue doesn't happen frequently, it may caused by network issue when you running the script and you can ignore it, otherwise it may take longer time than the timeout setting in the script to finish the request.


Please try the following steps to fix it.
1 If this issue doesn't happen frequently, it may caused by network issue when you running the script and you can ignore it.
2 If it happens frequently for specific step and the open requests are different, try to opearte the problem step in browser manually, and get the response time of the problem URLs.
-In IE, press F12 to open developer tool, switch to network tab, enable network traffic capturing
-In Firefox, install and open Firebug add-on, enable Net panel
-Do the same steps as what you recorded in Truclint manually until the problem step.
-Get the time costed by the open requests show in the Truclient error message
By default, step timeout in Truclient is set as 180 seconds. If it takes more then 180 seconds to open the problematic URL in the browser, increase the value of step time in Truclient.
3 If it happens frequently for specific step and the open request is always the same, another option is to exclude it into download filters, and Truclient won't open it during replay.
-Open Run-Time settings in Vugen, select Downlaod filters section, add URLs to Exclude only addresses in list.