HPeD - Link Map Error - Report data cannot be loaded

  • KM02578707
  • 30-Sep-2016
  • 26-Mar-2019


When trying to display the Link Map, the user is seeing "Report Data cannot be loaded"


When trying to display the Link Map, the user is seeing the following:

"Report Data cannot be loaded. Some of the data was not found for this report. Please try again. If the message persists, please contact your administrator"


We had to add the -Xss4m entry to the run64bit.bat from the JBoss folder - bin
The new line looks as follows:
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms2048m -Xss4m -Xmx5120M -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

After adding the new setting, we had to restart the JBOSS service.