Performance Center 11.52 hotfix for HPE security bulletin ID HPSBGN03572

  • KM02556923
  • 16-Sep-2016
  • 19-Sep-2016


This document provides instructions explaining how to manually make Performance Center (PC) 11.52 product conform to HPE security bulletin ID:HPSBGN03572 until next patch is released:


This document provides instructions explaining how to manually make Performance Center (PC) 11.52 product conform to HPE security bulletin ID: HPSBGN03572 until next patch is released:


  1. Download the following compressed file
  2. Extract the "HP.PC.Rest.dll" file.
  3. Login to the Performance Center Server
  4. Navigate to ‘<PC install folder>\PCWeb\bin’
  5. Locate the file ‘HP.PC.Rest.dll’, back up it and remove it from the folder
  6. Copy the new ‘HP.PC.Rest.dll’ to the ‘<PC install folder>\PCWeb\bin’ folder
  7. Restart IIS