How to increase the number of the shown characters in "Description" field on Sprinter.

  • KM02493232
  • 26-Jul-2016
  • 29-Jul-2016


This article describes how to increase the number of the text symbols displayed in "Description" field in Sprinter.


How to increase the length of the shown text in the "Description" field in Sprinter.
The default value of the parameter string in the "Description" field in Sprinter is 30 symbols. In case that you use Sprinter option “Step Capture” and record some web application text field that has more than 30 symbols, the record text will be trimmed in Sprinter "Description" column.  Once the text is trimmed, the Sprinter or ALM  cannot open the full text.
For example, please see the below Sprinter screenshot: 

image text

The size of parameter string can be change, by change parameter on Sprinter.exe.config file. To apply this action please perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to \bin on Sprinter machine (usually the exactly path is C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Sprinter\bin )
2. Backup “Sprinter.exe.config” file
3. Open the file “Sprinter.exe.config” with Notepad
4. Please modify "MaxParameterString" value to needed symbols (for example 300)
5. Save the file (in case that you don’t have permission to do it - Please first copy file on different location, modify it and after that replace existing configuration file with the new one)