How to check if ports are opened with power shell script

  • KM02482349
  • 14-Jul-2016
  • 19-May-2020


Check if Database, ALM, Synchronizers, Autopass, Sentinel ports are opened with Windows power shell


There are restrictions to use the telnet protocol in company networks, it is disable due to security policies. When working with ALM installation and integration with other tools,  Network connectivity is critical to establish the communication between different hosts,  which is made trough different network ports.



In windows environments you can use power shell to run scripts for verifying if the port of a host is opened,  this will work for databases servers , Application servers.

The port number from this list: ALM Port list

Important: If the port is not in the above list, the software was customized to not use the default port, please check the server/software admin.

To use power shell please try the following:

1. Download the Power shell script attached to this article, copy it into a notepad and save it as Checkport.ps1
2. Make sure the Script execution is not disabled, if it is disabled please execute the following command in power shell:

   set-executionpolicy unrestricted

3. Run the script through the power shell command line:

  <Script path>\CheckPort.ps1 -ip IpAddressOftheHost -port PortNumber