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When trying to access the NNMi 10.10 UI with Internet Explorer (IE) 11, the following pop-up message is displayed:
WARNING: You are running an unsupported web browser for the NNMi Console.
Confirmed that IE version is 11.X:
Validated that Compatibility view setting are disabled, no websites added.
Enterprise mode is not configured
When launching NNMi using the FQDN, the popup message appears.
When launching NNMi using server's IP Address, it is redirected to the server´s FQDN and popup is displayed.
Why NNMi UI console can not be accessed and this message is displayed, if the version used is supported, as stated in the Support Matrix?
2. From the information displayed in this tab (networking) Pick any of the network url from the SUMMARY tab, double click and select the DETAILS tab:

3. Now check the User Agent string, For IE11, it should display something similar to:
Key Value
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
But when checking this, older version will be displayed.