Configuring Performance Center to work with 'ASP.NET_SessionID' cookie over secure connection only

  • KM02211390
  • 30-Mar-2016
  • 20-Apr-2016


This article explains how to configure the Performance Center environment to set the 'ASP.NET_SessionID' cookie as a secured cookie when using HTTPS.


By default, the Performance Center environment works with the 'ASP.NET_SessionID' cookie over both HTTP and HTTPS.
This article explains how to configure Performance Center to set the 'ASP.NET_SessionID' cookie as a secured cookie when using HTTPS.


To set the 'ASP.NET_SessionID' cookie as a secured cookie when using HTTPS, perform the following steps:
  1. Log to the Performance Center server machine.
  2. Open file <Installation folder>\PCWEB\web.config for edit.
  3. Search for the section 'httpCookies'.
  4. Set the value of ‘requireSSL’ attribute to ‘true’.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Restart IIS.
  7. Repeat steps 1-6 for each Performance Center server within the same environment.