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< !--Merged--> to KM02391408
how to display active list with more than 2000 entries?
The cosole can´t display active list with more than 2000 entries
1. Stop the Console
2. Delete any *.ast files under console folder "<console-home>/current".
3. Set "console.ui.views.grid.maxSelectionSize=" in "<console-home>/current/config/". Please note you may need add this line on "" and don´t modify this line on "".
4. Then Edit the <ARCSIGHT_HOME>/current/config/ file and add this line:
5. Start the Console
Related Article:
Document KM1262245 - What is the minimum number of Active List entries
Document KM1270139 - What is the maximum number of Active List entries (cross check with the below ones)
Document KM1270407 - How to view all entries in a large Active List
Document KM1270387 - CSV Export from Active List Is Limited to 1000 Records
Document KM1262245 - What is the minimum number of Active List entries
Document KM1270139 - What is the maximum number of Active List entries (cross check with the below ones)
Document KM1270407 - How to view all entries in a large Active List
Document KM1270387 - CSV Export from Active List Is Limited to 1000 Records