What is the option to mount archives of aging logger L7200x to new logger model ?

  • KM02129179
  • 08-Feb-2016
  • 08-Feb-2016


What is the option to mount archives of aging logger L7200x to new logger model ?


There is aging logger L7200x (Product Version   L7085) used for compliance data retention and reporting and looking to decommission for two reasons.
1.) It is end of support life and cannot be upgraded to the latest version of logger
 2.) It has some vulnerabilities that cannot be patched.
 Have a newer logger (L7500x Product Version   L7491) that is upgraded to; what is the option to mount archives of this aging logger L7200x..


There are Logger Data Migration document.

Use information in this document to migrate data from an Lx200 or Lx400 Logger appliance to an Lx500 Logger appliance or a software Logger.
