The progress bar for "Creating Analysis Data" stops at 49% while Analysing Results in Performance Center 12.2x

  • KM02061568
  • 18-Jan-2016
  • 30-Mar-2017


The progress bar for "Creating Analysis Data" stops at 49% while Analysing Results in Performance Center 12.2x due to incorrect run time settings value of a script used in the test run. A suggestion is given how to overcome the problem.


The progress bar for "Creating Analysis Data" stops at 49% while Analysing Results in Performance Center 12.2x

The raw results are successfully analysed in Analysis.

When trying to create a new report from Report menu -> New Report the following HP Virtual User Generator error message appear "Enter an integer between 0 and 32000."

image text



There is a pacing value, in one or more of the scripts used in the test, which exceeds the maximum allowed value of 32000.


To overcome the problem:

  1. Open test from Test Design -> Edit test 
  2. For each of the VuGen scripts
  3. Open  Run Time Settings -> Pacing
  4. Verify that the pacing interval does not exceed 32000
  5. Click on the save button
  6. Run the test again
  7. The Analysing should complete successfully.