UFT Mobile Add-in Unsupported features

  • KM02052608
  • 11-Jan-2016
  • 11-Jan-2016

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


The UFT12.51 Mobile Add-in supports only recording and running steps on mobile applications.


UFT Mobile Add-in


The UFT12.51 Mobile Add-in supports only recording and running steps on mobile applications.

The following UFT abilities are not supported, or are only partially supported, when working with mobile objects:

·        Active Screen.

·        Assistive properties in the Object Identification dialog box.

·        Bitmap checkpoints on an App test object.Supported for hybrid applications only.

·        Local System Monitors. Instead, you can instruct UFT to collect Mobile vitals in the Record and Run Settings dialog box. This data is then presented in the Local System Monitor pane in the run results.

·        Low-level recording

·        Maintenance Run Mode. Supported for hybrid applications only.

·        Navigate and Learn, including adding children of a parent test object to the object repository.

·        Ordinal identifiers. Supported for hybrid applications only.

·        Recovery scenarios.

·        Regular expressions for properties.

·        Smart identification. Supported for hybrid applications only.

·        Update Run Mode. Only the option for updating checkpoints and output values is supported. Supported for hybrid applications only.

·        Virtual objects

·        Visual Relations identifiers.