Connect to ALM or Agile Manager via HTTPS

  • KM01933673
  • 08-Nov-2015
  • 08-Nov-2015

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Connect to ALM or Agile Manager via HTTPS


Connect to ALM or Agile Manager via HTTPS


To enable secure connections to ALM or Agile Manager via HTTPS, do the following:

1. With ALM or Agile Manager open in a secured browser window, export the certificate from the browser, and save it to a file named server.cer.

2. On the Synchronizer server machine

 a. Place the server.cer file in the <Synchronizer installation>\java\bin directory.

 b. In the Windows Services dialog box, make sure that the Synchronizer server (HP   Application Lifecycle Management Synchronizer) is run by the same Windows user who    installed the server, and not by the default Local System user.

 Note - The same Windows user must also perform the following step.

 c. Use the keytool command from the <Synchronizer installation>\java\bin directory to  import the server.cer file to the <Synchronizer installation>\java\lib\security\cacerts  directory.
 For example
 keytool.exe -import -v -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file server.cer -storepass <password>  -keystore <Synchronizer home>\java\lib\security\cacerts

 d. Restart the Synchronizer server