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IT4IT Reference Architecture Functional Component
- Keep track of all Defects; including their origin, status, importance, and relation to Requirements and Known Errors.
- Register Defects of all types (including security-related) with all relevant details such as description, severity, application version, related requirement, etc.
- Analyze Defects and find resolution.
- Associate Defects with Requirements.
- Document issues that should be communicated to the Release Composition functional component.
- Consume Defects from the D2C Value Stream Problem functional component as well as the Test functional component that are in turn consumed by the Source Control functional component for review and resolution.
- Update Defect details.
- Decide on target release.
- Report Defect status and provide Defect reports.
- Convert Defects not resolved by service development to Known Errors for Problem Management (D2C Value Stream) to document or develop work-around and report in knowledge management articles.
Main Functions
- Shall be the system of record (authoritative source) for all Defects.
- Shall manage the lifecycle of the Defect.
- Shall associate a Defect to a service.
- Shall associate one or more Service Release Blueprints to one or more Defects which reflects Defects that should be published as Problems/Known Errors.
- Can provide Defect information to the Source Control functional component.
- Shall receive Defect information from the Test functional component.
- Shall associate a Test Case to one or more Defects.
- Shall associate a Known Error to a Defect.
- Shall receive Defect information from a Known Error.
Example of HPE Products that may contribute to this Functional Component
- Application Lifecycle Management
- Agile Manager on SaaS
- Agile Manager on Premise
Generated: 1/11/2017 8:07:49 AM