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IT4IT Reference Architecture Functional Component
Open Group IT4IT Reference Architecture / System.String[] Value Stream / Diagnostic and Remediation Component
Through the use of manual and automated Run Books, the Diagnostics & Remediation functional component provides diagnostics information and/or remediation steps to shorten the MTTR. Run Books help streamline diagnosis and remediation for service functions by applying knowledge solutions to service anomalies.
Main Functions
The Diagnostics & Remediation functional component:- Shall be the system of record for all Run Books.
- Shall manage the Run Book lifecycle.
- Shall allow hierarchical relationships between Run Books.
- Shall associate a Run Book with a CI.
- Can allow an Event to trigger a Run Book mainly for diagnostics purposes.
- Can allow an Incident to trigger a Run Book for diagnostics or remediation purposes (remediation that does not require RFCs).
- Can allow a Problem to trigger a Run Book for remediation purposes (after an RFC has been opened).
Example of HPE Products that may contribute to this Functional Component
- Operations Orchestration Platform
- Diagnostics
- Server Automation
- Network Automation
- Storage Essentials
- Database and Middleware Automation
Generated: 1/11/2017 8:07:24 AM