How to change layout(margin) for project report

  • KM01864862
  • 28-Sep-2015
  • 28-Sep-2015

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


How to change layout(margin) for project report using Template Creator.




Modifying the layout(margin) for project report template messes up the font size and when the report is generated the corrupted report may look like below:




Template report layout settings can be modified directly once it is saved to the local system, but when layout is modified  and the report fields are not regenerated using 'Template Creator', it may damage the Fields in the template.



Regenerate the damaged Field in modified template using Template Creator.

Here are the steps to modify the project report layout: ( this applies to all types of report templates)

  1. Download the project report template to local
  2. Edit the project report template and change the layout/margin.
  3. Deleting the field that will be impacted, and regenerate it using Template Creator.


 4. We can also add the custom report field using ‘Insert custom field’


 5. upload the changed project report template to ALM and generate Report.