Error "(ctrl-7) Error in the target component" starting OM agent on OMW server

  • KM01860598
  • 24-Sep-2015
  • 24-Sep-2015

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


The next processes were stopped in the agent: D:\Temp>ovc agtrep OV Discovery Agent AGENT,AgtRep Stopped opcacta OVO Action Agent AGENT,EA Stopped opceca OVO Event Correlation AGENT,EA Stopped opcecaas ECS Annotate Server AGENT,EA Stopped opcmsga OVO Message Agent AGENT,EA Stopped


(ctrl-7) Error in the target component.


The problem was  because of a conflicting names in the path in the directory %ovinstalldir%\nonOV\perl\a\bin. There was redundant files with named perl.

Check QCIM1A155003.



1. Run command ovc -status -level 8

2. Run command ovc -start -debug

3. Go to Windows Explorer: %ovinstalldir%\nonOV\perl\a\bin (it didn't show too much)

4. Go to command prompt and run: C:\OM\nonOV\perl\a\bin>dir perl*

5. The problem was  because of a conflicting names in the path in the directory %ovinstalldir%\nonOV\perl\a\bin. There was redundant files with named perl

6. Backup and them remove the perl file.

            7. Removing the file perl without extension solved the problem.

8. Run command: ovc -start and opcagt -status  to check if the issue was solved.


Check  QCIM1A155003.