How to deploy sx-ui-webapp-2.0.war file?

  • KM01839089
  • 09-Sep-2015
  • 24-Aug-2016

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Steps to deploy sx-ui-webapp-2.0.war file


How to deploy sx-ui-webapp-2.0.war file?



1. unpack the sx-ui-webapp-2.0.war files in a directory eg:- Create a folder sxweb on the path /opt/hp/propel.

2. Then extract the content of the WAR directly in /opt/hp/prope/sxweb 

3. Then navigate to webapps under Jetty eg:- /opt/hp/propel/jetty-sx/webapps

4. Create a new file as same as WARDIRECTORY-context.xml eg:- sxweb-context.xml and paste the below content.

Please change the highlighted text as per your configuration

 <?xml version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Configure PUBLIC "-//Jetty//Configure//EN" "">

<Configure class="org.eclipse.jetty.quickstart.QuickStartWebApp">
    <Set name="contextPath">/sx-ui</Set>
    <Set name="war">/opt/hp/propel/sxweb</Set>
    <Set name="autoPreconfigure">true</Set>
    <Set name="securityHandler">
        <New class="">
            <Call name="addConstraintMapping">
                    <New class="">
                        <Set name="pathSpec">/*</Set>
                        <Set name="constraint">
                            <New class="">
                                <!-- 2 means CONFIDENTIAL. 1 means INTEGRITY -->
                                <Set name="dataConstraint">2</Set>

5. Make sure the folder you created have correct permission by running the below command

chown -R propel:root /opt/hp/propel/sxweb

i.e. The permission of sxweb folder should be same with sx:

drwxr-xr-x. 9 propel root     4096 Aug 24 10:30 sx
drwxr-xr-x. 9 propel root     4096 Aug 24 10:48 sxUI
drwxr-xr-x. 9 propel root     4096 Sep  9 02:17 sxweb

6. Copy /opt/hp/propel/sx/WEB-INF/  to /opt/hp/propel/sxweb/

7. In /opt/hp/propel/sxweb/ add one line:

sx.ui.url=https\://PROPEL_FQDN \:9444/sx-ui

and modify

security.returnUrl=${sx.url} to security.returnUrl=${sx.ui.url}

7 Restart the jetty-mx services