When to invoke ErrorRuleChain in NMERPCClientRule

  • KM01819272
  • 02-Sep-2015
  • 02-Sep-2015

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


In Internet Usage Manager (IUM) component com.hp.usage.nme.rpc.client.NMERPCClientRule, there are three configurable ErrorRuleChain to handle different errors. - NoConnectionErrorRuleChain - CommunicationErrorRulechain - TimeoutRuleChain When will the rule chains be invoked accordingly?


Here is the detail explanation of the errors which will result invocation of the ErrorRuleChain accordingly.

• NoConnectionErrorRuleChain:  If there are no open server connections available
• CommunicationErrorRulechain: When the client could not send a packet to server due to errors such as IOException, when the server responded back with an error response
• TimeoutRuleChain : When there is no response from the server within the configurable ResponseTimeout