BSM Connector : how to fix a corrupted keystore

  • KM01800844
  • 27-Aug-2015
  • 08-Jun-2021


Applies to BSM Connector


The <BSMConnector_install_dir>\logs\tomcat.log has the following error:

ERROR [Catalina.load (506)] Catalina.start

LifecycleException: Protocol handler initialization failed: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect
       at org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector.initialize(
       at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.initialize(


This error means that the  keystore that is provided out-of-the-box with BSM connector has become corrupt.

It is mandatory the BSM Connector to work properly, that the keystore is recreated.


To fix this issue, follow these steps :

1.     Stop the “HP BSM Connector” service

2.     Move the existing <BSMConnector_install_dir>\groups\serverKeystore file to another folder

3.     Open a command prompt window, navigate to <BSMConnector_install_dir>\java\bin and run the following command:

 keytool -genkey -dname "CN=myfqdn, OU=MyOU ,O=MyOrg, L=MyLocation, S=MyState, C=MyCOuntry" -alias MyAlias -keypass changeit -

keystore ..\..\groups\serverKeystore -storepass changeit -keyalg "RSA" -validity 10000

One will need to replace the 'myfqdn' and 'alias' values as needed and make sure the value for storepass has the same value as keypass.

If the value for 'storepass' and 'keypass' that were used are anything other than the default “changeit”, then these changed values have to

changed in the file “<BSMConnector_install_dir>\Tomcat\conf\server.xml”

4.    Start BSM connector and check that the BSM Connector is now listening on port 30000 and that it can be accessed via :