Error - Component registration failed for: HP.ST.Ext.STRemoteAgent.dll

  • KM01778532
  • 11-Aug-2015
  • 11-Aug-2015

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Error - Component registration failed for: HP.ST.Ext.STRemoteAgent.dll


When API scripts are run from ALM, error: "Cannot activate the Remote Execution Server. Make sure the server is running and the Remote Agent is registered" is received,  but able to run the API script directly from UFT. Also, GUI scripts run fine from ALM.


This issue occurs because the dll that’s required for remote agent of API script is not registered.
(while installing UFT 12, "Component registration failed for: HP.ST.Ext.STRemoteAgent.dll" Error may be received, it can be skipped and UFT can be installed.)


Register the DLL manually by following the steps below:
1. Please check if “HP.ST.Ext.STRemoteAgent.dll” exists under “C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Unified Functional Testing\bin\” If the DLL doesn’t exist under the path, do NOT go to the next step. It means the installation is not properly completed. UFT needs to be reinstalled.
2. Close all windows.
3. Please open the command window as an administrator. (Refer to
4. Type below and enter. cd "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319"
5. Type below and enter. RegAsm.exe /codebase "C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\Unified Functional Testing\bin\HP.ST.Ext.STRemoteAgent.dll"
Note - This is UFT related issue but since remote agent dll for API scripts are not registered, the issue is seen in ALM.