<p>For example: wrapper.java.additional.33=-Xloggc:C:/ProgramData/HP/ALM/log/GCLogs.txt</p>Enabling GC logs on ALM/AgM and reading them

  • KM01728414
  • 07-Jul-2015
  • 19-May-2020


How to enable GC (Garbage Collection) logs on ALM or AgM and read them


How to enable GC logs on ALM or AgM and read them


To enable GC (Garbage Collection) logs on ALM or AgM do the following...

1) Open the "wrapper.conf" file on the server, typically located in the following paths...

On Windows...


Add the following value: wrapper.java.additional.<number>=-Xloggc:<drive>/<path>/<file>

On Linux...

For example: wrapper.java.additional.33=-Xloggc:C:/ProgramData/HP/ALM/log/GCLogs.txt


Add the following value: wrapper.java.additional.<number>=-Xloggc:<drive>/<path>\<file>

For example: wrapper.java.additional.25=-Xloggc:/opt/hp/agm/log/GCLogs.txt


Mind that for the <number> specify, typically, the next number in the list that is not used. Therefore if the highst number is 24, use 25.

The forward slashes on the windows path is correct. This is java therefore use forward slashes.

Bounce the ALM/AgM service, GC logs should be created.

To read the logs use "GCViewer". See: http://www.tagtraum.com/gcviewer-download.html