Integration [693] - ITBA import Service Consummation information data from CSA (ITBA <- CSA)

  • KM01696241
  • 11-Jun-2018
  • 11-Jun-2018


Integration Catalog


ITBA import Service Consummation information data from CSA (ITBA <- CSA) - Catalog Id: 693


This out-of-the-box data integration imports HPE Cloud Service Automation (CSA) data into HPE IT Business Analytics. The data is then combined with other data sources, transformed, analyzed, and loaded as metrics on a series of Executive Scorecard tabs.

CSA enables you to dynamically monitor and provision the server, storage and network elements as well as applications, to meet the needs of current and upcoming workloads. CSA integrates and leverages the strengths of a hybrid cloud environment, providing the ability to design and deploy enterprise-ready cloud services tailored to the business needs of your organization. CSA deploys the cloud service offering using a structured lifecycle with pre-defined integration mechanisms for invoking external processes.

The CSA data includes service price, subscription duration, organization information etc data.





Leading Product:
IT Business Analytics

Secondary Product:
Cloud Service Automation



For the latest versions of all CSA documentation in the 4.x branch, see the  CSA 4.x Documentation Library. (HPE Passport is required.)

Additional HPE Software product documentation can be found at

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Support Matrix

Cloud Service Automation
IT Business Analytics
SupportedSupported (see comments)Not Supported

Generated: 6/11/2018 4:45:49 AM